Microsoft will soon allow participants in the Xbox Insider program to choose a custom image for their gamer pic. No longer will you be limited to an avatar or game-related snapshot. That’s among the changes and new features outlined in a blog post from Major Nelson. Users will be able to choose a custom gamer pic directly from the console, a Windows 10 PC, or a smartphone, so you’ll have plenty of avenues for picking the image you want.
However, Microsoft is already warning that it’s gonna be awhile before this feature comes to all Xbox users. The company expects custom gamer pics “to be in preview longer than other features to ensure it’s great for everyone when released.” That sounds a lot like Microsoft is still figuring out how to moderate images to weed out inappropriate choices.
Another new thing I’m excited about is the ability to filter games by platform (Xbox One / Xbox 360) on the My Apps and Games screen, which will make it easier to put some separation between the latest current-gen releases and your favorite titles of years past.
Microsoft’s also taking care of yet another common player request: captive portal support. Now, your Xbox One will bring up a browser to help you log onto public Wi-Fi networks at public places like college campuses or hotels. Neat.
Improvements are also coming to Xbox Live clubs and LFG (looking for group) community features, and the long-awaited Arena tournament system is also scheduled to ship to Insider members within the next few weeks. Combined with the recent announcement of Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft is holding to a fast pace of improving the Xbox One platform at every corner. Sony’s also constantly iterating on the PlayStation 4’s software. Hooray for competition and listening to your customers.