'Minecraft' on Xbox 360 release date to be announced by Microsoft tomorrow

We've been waiting patiently for any details on Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, which is slated to launch sometime in 2012, but we should get an official release date tomorrow. Play XBLA, Microsoft's blog focusing on Xbox Live Arcade games, has a little countdown going right now and says that it will be the first site with the launch details for the latest addition to the Minecraft family. Play XBLA had already announced that the game will be available through he Xbox Live Arcade, and that it'll support both the Kinnect and Xbox Live, but there aren't many other details on the title at the moment. There are a few mentions of two custom Minecraft-themed Xbox 360 consoles that the site will be giving away — we expect to see those unveiled tomorrow as well. We'll be keeping our eyes on the site to find out when exactly we can start building from our living room couches.
