DC Comics went old-school for its new logo

DC Comics has a brand-new logo. The company announced today that, as a tribute to its 80-year history as one of the biggest comics publishers in the industry, the DC logo would return to the simple typographic styling of the past. The decision lines up with the upcoming DC Universe: Rebirth Special #1 comic, due out later this month, which will see its comics universe embrace classic continuity and storytelling without rebooting the work of the last several years.

"Built on what's come before while looking to tomorrow."

DC's chief creative officer Geoff Johns said in a statement that the decision is rooted in a desire to honor the company's past. "To me, Rebirth and the new DC logo are built on what’s come before while looking to what will come tomorrow." That's significant; DC heroes and villains have been operating for decades, and their shared history influences stories told today. However, with 2011's New 52 reboot, much of that history was wiped clean or streamlined in order to attract new readers. Rebirth will see some elements from pre-2011 continuity reintroduced, but without upending the overall New 52 status quo.

That's plain to see in the logo as well. The new design, which replaces the so-called "Peel" logo that was introduced back in 2012, is reminiscent of the simpler logo of 1972, debuting right at the end of the Silver Age of Comics. (I'd have gone with Milton Glaser's iconic "DC Bullet" from '76, but hey.)

Image credit: Signalnoise

Starting next month, the new design will grace the front pages of new issues of Batman, Superman, and other titles, while surely appearing in company's ever expanding slate of movies and TV shows later on. It's a new day, comics fans. It only looks a little like yesterday.
